Hi RainyRizzle,
I hope you are fine!
I want to get the following value from the script as bool value.
I found a workaround but I appericate if there's a native solution.
My Solution:
Adding _PlayOnce endfix to animation clip.
3. Use the following code:
// Check if the animation is not looped
private bool CheckIfNotLooped(string animClipName)
// You could use a dictionary or other logic to check if the animation should not loop
return animClipName.Contains("_PlayOnce");
Thanks in advance!
Hi! I found the native solution. There was IsLoop variable.
Code example:
private bool IsAnimLooped(int portraitIndex, string animClipName) { var portrait = portraits[portraitIndex]; if (portrait == null) return false; // Find the animation clip by name var animClip = portrait._animClips.Find(clip => clip._name == animClipName); if (animClip != null) { bool IsLooped = animClip.IsLoop; if (IsLooped) { Debug.LogWarning($"Animation clip '{animClipName}' is looped"); } else { Debug.LogWarning($"Animation clip '{animClipName}' is not looped."); } return IsLooped; } // If animation clip is not found, return 0 Debug.LogWarning($"Animation clip '{animClipName}' not found in portrait {portrait.name}."); return false; /* // You could use a dictionary or other logic to check if the animation should loop if (animClipName.Contains("_PlayOnce")) { return false; } else { return true; } */ }
Thank you!