Hi, i've recently moved to AnyPortrait from Unity 2D Animation. I like it a lot but there's a few problems. I tried to use IK like in the Pirate Girl example but,

Helper Bone didn't stop the movement of the foot enough for what i want it to do. Its also really shaky in the Editor which makes me panic a little before testing it in the Scene.

Is there a way to make the IK behave closer to Unity's?
While it's not shaky in the editor, it's still not doing as expected
in the first gif he's testing in the game view, it's not shaky but the effector is not stopping the movement, when the body goes down , the foot still goes down too (the foot is supposed to be bent there).
AnyPortrait's IK operation has the characteristic of correcting the result by "continuous playing".
However, this characteristic can cause a little problem in the "editor" and occurs some noise.
(Unlike in-game, the editor only has integer frames, so it's "showing discrete frames sequentially - not continuous", which causes some errors in IK calculations.)
You can check whether the IK settings are normal as follows.
(1) In the editor, check frames one by one.
(Pressing the shortcut keys "<, >" is convenient.)
After a little vibration caused by the noise, check if the bones stick to the helper bones well.
(2) Bake and check it in the game - not in the editor.
We've prioritized execution in the game, so expect it to work well in the game.
Please let us know if it doesn't work properly in the game as well.
We apologize for the confusion caused by the somewhat insufficient implementation of IK calculations in the editor.
Let's examine this issue a little more closely and improve it.
If you have more opinions, please leave them in the comments!
Thank you!