Hi RainyRizzle,
I noticed an error window while working on my own project. There are exactly 3000+ errors in the AnyPortrait scripts.
(Click Here To Watch The Video
2024-12-03 15-44-06 AnyPortrait Solution Errors)
What did I try?
- I had previously moved AnyPortrait to the Plugins folder. I thought the error might be caused by this and deleted the plugin completely and re-imported it. This time I left it in the default Assets folder.
- I closed and reopened the project and solution.
- I tried to do a Reset Editor from Unity.
Unfortunately, none of them worked.
Unity 6000.0.29f1 LTS
Rider 2024.3
When we open a Unity project with Rider, it automatically scans the entire project and shows all the errors, including the plugins.
According to Rider, there seems to be a lot of problems with the AnyPortrait codes or there is something missing that has not been installed on my computer. Do you have any ideas about this?
From the error log, it seems that the DLLs used by AnyPortrait are not loaded properly.
There are a total of 3 DLLs in the AnyPortrait package.
And the target platforms for each DLL are as follows:
AnyPortrait_FULL : All platforms except "Editor"
AnyPortrait_FULL_Editor : Only "Editor"
Ntreev.Library.Psd : Only "Editor"
If an error occurs in the API of a DLL like this, it may be due to one of the following reasons:
DLL files are missing
The target platform settings of the DLLs are different from the above
There are two or more identical DLL files in different paths in the project
Although a bit different from this issue, the platform-specific manual for DLLs can be found at the following link:
Please check all DLL files and see if they match the above.
Also, try "Reimport All" in Assets.
If your problem persists, please leave a comment!
We will be on vacation for about a week starting tomorrow.
So there may be a delay in our response, so please be considerate.