I just found that Any portrait is updating the animations when the game objects are not visible.
In my case, I have some enemies patrolling while these are not visible Any Portrait still update the animations. So I was wondering if there's a way to pause these updates or I just have to manually disable the ApPortrait component. I'm not sure if this happens with mecanim.
I check the API but I didn't find a function for this case.
Code execution based on visibility is the same in the way you use apAnimPlayManager rather than Mecanim!
If the character is hidden by calling the Hide() function, the main codes of Update and LateUpdate do not work as in the case of Mecanim.
If what you need is to mean "the character went off-screen and couldn't render", this is not supported by AnyPortrait.
In this case, please write a separate script to call Hide().
Oh, I'm not using Mecanim, which creates a little bit of Garbage, instead of that I'm using the alternative "apAnimPlayManager" when the object is not visible this one still animate the ApPortrait Game object.
Hi, OscarLeif!
We tested for update function with Mecanim applied.
If a character is hidden by using the Hide() function in AnyPortrait's API, the main codes of AnyPortrait's update functions (Update, LateUpdate) are not executed.
It doesn't mean that Update() and LateUpdate() are not called at all, but in the hidden state, these functions are immediately terminated.
Check out the links below for an explanation of the Show() and Hide() functions.
If the characters behave differently than intended or have problems, please leave an additional comment.